The 12th Speech in Noise Workshop took take place on 9-10 January 2020, at the beautiful Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques, in Toulouse, France.
You can download the abstract booklet here.
The next SPIN workshop will be online!
Given the current state of uncertainty caused by the pandemic, SPIN 2021 was postponed to January 2022, and will take place online. Hope to see you there!
Colin Cherry Award 2020
The Colin Cherry Award 2020 was attributed to Lucile Gelin for her poster "Babble noise augmentation for phone recognition applied to children reading aloud in a classroom environment". Congratulations!
Lucile Gelin wins the #spin2020 Colin Cherry award, congratulation! See you in Split, Kroatia next year
— Sarah Verhulst (@HearingTechLab) January 10, 2020
The Colin Cherry Award is attributed every year in appreciation of a contribution to the field of Research on Speech in Noise and Cocktail Party Sciences, with the work selected for best poster presentation by the participants of the Speech in Noise Workshop. The prize consists of a cocktail shaker, and the recipient receives an invitation to present their work at the following SPIN workshop.